Ground breaking test results for the recyclability of foil-decorated paper
Kurz cold foil passes deinking test with distinction
Fürth/Germany, 14 December 2017: INGEDE (the International Association of the Deinking Industry) has confirmed the flawless deinkability of a cold foil produced by Leonhard Kurz. The finishing foil, presented to the association by Kurz, passed the deinking test with a score of 100 out of 100 possible points. The deinking process led to a maximum removal of ink from the printing product, as well as upmost brightness. The best possible optical quality was achieved, which allows the deinked cardboard to be recycled without any problems.
UV adhesives were used for the cold foil finishing of the print sample. In addition, the cold foil was overprinted with UV inks. “Deinking in conjunction with the use of UV systems is especially difficult in INGEDE’s experience,” explains Holger Habekus, graphics product manager at Kurz, “this means that our foil passed the test under very demanding conditions. Of course, the result only applies to that specific foil and the materials used in that process. Based on this outstanding result, however, it is quite safe to assume that further tests with our various hot stamping and cold foils will be just as successful.”
Habekus adds, “We want to encourage our customers to run deinking tests with our decoration foils under their own standard conditions. The probability of receiving INGEDE certification is high. This way, they can prove the sustainability of their finishing and save disposal costs.”
As early as in 2008, the Pira International report “Repulpability of foil-decorated paper“ was published which attested to the recyclability of foil-decorated paper. The new INGEDE test from 2017 confirms the conclusions of this report.